Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Okay, be honest now, at one point or another we have all 'Googled' our names to find out what it means or its meaning. I know I did. I was so surprised and happy to find out that my name "Hector" in Greek Mythology was actually that of a great Trojan prince and the greatest fighter for Troy. However, I was not too happy to know that Achilles ended up killing me, well him! Watching the movie "Troy" with Brad Pitt was awesome. I was elated when Brad (who played the character of Achilles) called out Hector's name over and over again as he challenged him to a fight. I had a super grin the whole time while watching this movie in the movie theater. I even made a few people laugh when I shouted "Here I am" during this particular scene in the movie as he called out my name. My then wife was not amused at all since this caused the entire audience to focus on us. Still, I was devastated when Achilles ended up killing Hector. But not many people can say that about their names though so I felt pretty good. Unless, of course, your name is ACHILLES!!! So when someone says to you "What's in a name?" you should know that answer. I do since I have hit up Google many times for the name Hector Mota. I am not too crazy about my last name 'Mota' though since it means "Fake coin" in Spanish. Well one out of two isn't that bad right? You can check out Hector Mota here on Google + or my Linked in account! Before I forget, I also wrote a few things about my Hector Mota name here on Wikia about "My Hector Mota name not being so uncommon". Kind of funny when you think about it!

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